Friends of Malew Church

Links Malew Church, Isle of Man
Images of Malew Church

Subscription form

Our aims:

  • to secure the preservation of Malew Church for the benefit of the Manx nation
  • to promote the restoration of the exterior of Malew Church 
  • to promote the restoration of the Georgian interior of Malew Church
  • to promote the restoration of grave monuments in Malew Churchyard
  • to stimulate interest in Malew Church
  • to encourage the use of Malew Church as a venue for musical and other artistic performances.

I support these aims and wish to subscribe to the Friends
of Malew Church


Names of other family members if Family Membership
(and ages if under 18):




Tel.......................................... E-mail...........................................

Please tick here ........if, as well as supporting the Friends by 
joining, you would also be willing to help
Volunteers are always welcome in any capacity

  • Ordinary membership £12
  • Family membership £20
  • Family life membership £200
  • Donation £

(Family is two adults and children under 18 at the same address)

Please consider paying by standing order using the form
below, but if not, please make cheques payable to
'The Friends of Malew Church' and send to:

Neal Crookall,
Hon. Treasurer, Ballaruha, Derbyhaven IM9 1TS



To the Manager, ..................................................................Bank Ltd

(Branch name)......................................................................

Sort code.............-...........-.............

(Address of bank)............................................................


Please pay from my account number..............................
every year on the (date)....................................................
unless or until countermanded by me (the first payment
to be on....................................20.........) to the Friends of
Malew Church , Isle of Man Bank South Region,
account number 13010395, sort code 55-91-04, the
sum of £12, £20 or £                              (please delete)



Please send this form to :

Neal Crookall,
Hon. Treasurer, 
Ballaruha, Derbyhaven, IM9 1TS

Please do NOT send it directly to your bankers.

Copyright © Friends of Malew Church 2006
Registered Charity No 885
Home page Events What's New Current projects Art in the church Membership History Churchyard Who's who Contacts Links